Don't forget our pollinators this summer as we all try to stay cool in rising temperatures.
If you're a gardener, you know just how important our pollinator friends are to having good yields. As we look for a pool, lake, beach, or simply an ice-cold beverage to cool us down and stay hydrated, it's not that simple for our pollinators. Yes, they can find water from our backyard pools or fountains, but the dangers of drowning are the concern with these sources. So, why not help them out this summer and create your own bee or butterfly pool for your garden?
This is a simple and low cost DIY project! All you need is a shallow dish or bird bath, you can usually find these on Amazon for around $15, and then you'll fill it with a thin layer of rocks or decorative glass pebbles you find at the craft store. Once the dish if filled the water, the rocks or pebbles provide a safe landing space for the bee or butterfly to drink and stay dry.
You're garden will thrive as more and more pollinators are drawn to the oasis you provided.
